SAH Launches Strategic Plan 2022-2025

– Sault Area Hospital (SAH) has launched our Strategic Plan for 2022-2025.

In the development of our strategic directions and priorities for the next three years, SAH consulted with our communities, partner organizations, patients and families, staff, physicians and volunteers. “What we heard in our consultation has reinforced the importance of the vital work we do,” says Sharon Kirkpatrick, SAH Board Chair.

SAH has developed two key strategic directions for the future and one to reinforce the solid foundation that will help support the organization into the future. The first strategic direction focuses on compassionate person-centred care. “Compassion, listening, and ensuring our patients, their families and caregivers are at the centre of the care team is of the utmost importance,” states Kirkpatrick. “SAH will also focus on improving diversity, access and inclusion, and providing health care equity. As part of this work, we will move forward with a primary focus on Indigenous Health Care.” Additionally, SAH will continue collaborating with all our partners and work toward a stronger and more integrated health system.  

The second strategic direction focuses on fostering a healthy and supportive organization for our staff, physicians and volunteers. “By ensuring that our staff, physicians, learners and volunteers are happy, healthy, well and safe at work, empowered and supported to do their best work, they will be able to provide the best care to our patients, their families and caregivers,” explains Ila Watson, President & CEO.

In order to achieve these two strategic directions, SAH will continue to strengthen operations, ensuring we have a strong foundation. “We will continue to focus on providing excellent, high-quality care, which includes exploring innovative and digital solutions to enhance the care we already provide,” states Watson. “Our organization will seek opportunities to expand our research activity to help advance health care for our community,” she adds. In an ever-changing environment, SAH will maintain financial stability to ensure continued health care excellence into the future.

“We were inspired by the feedback and input that our communities and partners provided us. That input helps us plan for our future to ensure healthy communities across the Algoma District,” expressed Watson.

View SAH’s Strategic Plan 2022-2025 for more details.
