Quality Improvement Plan

The Excellent Care for All Act, 2010 (ECFAA) and other accountability agreements require all public hospitals, inter-disciplinary primary health care organizations, Home and Community Care organizations, and long-term care homes to create a QIP every year.

Each organization is required to develop a plan that includes specific targets and actions that reflect Ontario’s health care improvement priorities and the quality issues that are locally relevant. QIPs must be publicly posted and submitted to Ontario Health Quality (OHQ) each year. OHQ is the provincial advisor on quality in health care.

QIP development is informed by the following:

  • Mandatory and priority indicators established by OHQ
  • Local needs of patients, clients and residents
  • Insight gleaned through patient relations
  • Patient experience surveys and critical incidences
  • Employee, volunteer and physician engagement results
  • Other commitments including Strategic Plans, Hospital Accountability Agreements, and Accreditation Canada standards

The Quality Committee of the Board is responsible for the supporting development of the annual QIP.