Senior Leadership

Chief of Staff – Dr. John Heintzman

Medical Staff Association

President – Dr. Russell Tull
Vice President – Dr. Lorraine Sharp
Secretary – Dr. Brynlea Barbeau

Medical Directors

Critical Care and Cardiology Program and Chief of Critical Care – Dr. Yves Landry

Emergency Program [Interim] – Dr. Matthew Solomon

Imaging – Dr. Brandon Entwistle

Infection Prevention & Control – Dr. Lucas Castellani

Laboratory Services – Dr. Mike D’Agostino

Medicine Program – Dr. Lucas Castellani

Mental Health Program – Dr. Curtis Obadan

Post-acute Medicine Program – Dr. Trish Parsons 

Regional Programs – Dr. Mohammad Rassouli-Rashti

Surgical Program – Dr. Joseph Reich

Women and Children’s Health [Interim] – Dr. Joseph Reich

Chief Medical Informatics Officer (CMIO) – Dr. Derek Garniss

Department Chiefs

Acute Hospital Medicine – Dr. James Boseovski

Anaesthesia – Dr. Phillip Dopp

Cardiology – Dr. Michael Kutryk

Critical Care – Dr. Yves Landry

Emergency Medicine [Interim] – Dr. Matthew Solomon

Imaging – Dr. Brandon Entwistle

Infection Prevention & Control – Dr. Lucas Castellani

Mental Health – Dr. Curtis Obadan

Midwifery – Ms. Amanda Richard

Obstetrics & Gynecology – [Vacant]

Oncology – Dr. Mohammad Rassouli-Rashti

Pathology – Dr. Mike D’Agostino

Pediatrics & NICU – Dr. Jonathan DellaVedova

Post-acute Hospital Medicine – Dr. Trish Parsons 

Renal Medicine – Dr. David Berry

Surgery – Dr. Joseph Reich