What We Do

Our Orthopedic Clinic provides medical and rehabilitative services to patients with problems resulting from orthopedic injuries and diseases of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The Orthopedic Clinic follows patients who require a cast or follow-up fracture care. 

Our team will work with you to develop a personalized plan of care, which may include stretches, exercise, casting or surgery.  

Our orthopedic surgeons specialize in various orthopedic services, including general orthopedics, arthroplasty (knee, shoulder and hip), total joint replacement surgery, arthroscopic surgery, and fracture care, including non-union, malunion and post-traumatic deformities.   

Hours of Operation 

Our clinic operates Monday – Thursday, 7:30 AM to 3:30 PM (hours may vary depending on patient volume).

Please note the days on which each doctor is available vary. 

The clerk can be reached at (705) 759-3434 ext. 4381

Information Sheets 

SAH Orthopedic Surgeons

Referral Guidelines for GPs

In Sault Ste. Marie, the following types of orthopedic pathology are managed only by these particular surgeons:

  • Graham Elder
    General orthopedics (i.e. shoulder, elbow, hip, knee, ankle, foot, etc) with a focus on wrist pathology (including thumb CMC OA)
  • Michele Cheong
    General orthopedics with a focus on hip arthroplasty, knee arthroplasty/ revisions
  • Darren Costain
    General orthopedics (bunions, claw toes, meniscal tears, bursitis, hip and knee arthritis), total joint replacement surgery, revision hip and knee replacement surgery
  • Brad Slagel
    Knee and shoulder pathology, focus on arthroscopic surgery
  • Brian Fraser
    Hip and knee arthritis, including revision arthroplasty
    Fracture care, including non-union, malunion and post-traumatic deformity
    Foot and ankle pathology (arthritis, bunion, tibialis posterior dysfunction)
    Note: Non-operative foot pathology (plantar fascitis, ganglions and non-specific foot pain) will be seen; however, wait times for consultation can be more than 1 to 1.5 years
  • Adrienne Kelly
    General orthopedics, with an interest in surgical spine pathology (but not currently able to perform spine surgery at SAH).
    NO chronic pain management.
    NO revision arthroplasty