SAH To Receive Patient Transfers From Outside Algoma

– SAH has been notified by the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre and the Ontario Critical Care Command Centre to expect critical care patient transfers from across the Province. Our capacity has been expanded to support this work.

At this time, SAH has a planned admission for a COVID-19 positive patient from the GTA (Greater Toronto Area).  SAH expects to receive 1-2 patients a day depending on critical care capacity in our hospital.  Patients transferred to SAH could be patients with COVID-19 or without COVID-19.

SAH, along with partners from across the region and the Province, continue to plan for the management of a surge in COVID-19 patients, and the implementation of any needed escalating response actions will be determined by overall capacity pressures at the local, regional, and provincial health-system levels. To date, SAH has continued to provide all elective surgeries and non-urgent procedures. We will continue to monitor our overall capacity and are committed to informing the community of any changes.

SAH values our partnerships with hospitals across Ontario. We are committed to working collaboratively to provide excellent patient care while balancing our provincial health care system capacity.

Hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients in Algoma are reported on Algoma Public Health’s website.

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