Restrictions and Safety Measures Remain in Place at SAH

– While COVID-19 hospitalizations are trending in the right direction in Ontario, COVID-19 remains a challenge for our hospital and our health care workers. While many businesses are open, vaccine mandates have ended, and masking will soon cease, COVID-19 is not over at SAH.
COVID-19 is still prevalent in our community. In fact, Northern Ontario has significantly more active cases of COVID-19 per capita than the rest of the province and Algoma leads the North in active cases. Since January 1, 2022, SAH has admitted just over 100 COVID-19 patients. This week, we have 9 COVID-19 patients admitted to our hospital; our peak admission was 25 patients.
SAH also continues to experience staffing challenges. We currently have 69 health care workers who are COVID-19 positive and isolating at home, and 10 who are at home isolating due to a household contact. All our health care workers are working diligently to fill shifts, keep everyone safe, and care for our patients.
For these reasons, safety measures such as visitor restrictions, door screening, proof of vaccination, masking, and distancing will remain in place. Lifting of these precautions will be cautious and thoughtful with ongoing review and assessment by our Command Centre.
How can you help? During peak times, you can expect to wait longer in the Emergency Department as well as for tests, procedures and appointments. Please be kind and patient with our employees and physicians. Threats of physical violence and verbal abuse will not be tolerated.
Get vaccinated against COVID-19 and get your boosters if you’re eligible! As March break approaches, we encourage you to exercise caution and remain vigilant in following all public health and safety measures. Please do all you can to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 in our community, which will also help to reduce the number of COVID-19 patients in our hospital.
Posted March 7, 2022