Sault Area Hospital is accepting receiving eReferrals through
Ocean for Diagnostic Imaging.
Diagnostic Imaging
Sault Area Hospital would like to invite you to simultaneously join the Ocean eReferral Network to send and receive requisitions. By joining and sending your requisitions via Ocean you are not only helping your patients but the overall referral management at SAH and ultimately aiming to improve the care coordination for the region. The Ontario eServices Program delivers digital services that support clinical workflows and facilitate smoother transitions in care and an improved patient experience.
Who benefits from eReferral?
Clinicians, both senders and receivers, as well as patients benefit from the use of eReferral.
The following are some of the key benefits of using eReferral:
Electronic Referral (eReferral) simplifies the referral process by enhancing communication between primary care providers and specialists/organizations and enabling quick and secure referrals to be sent and received through an electronic platform.
eReferral is available to clinicians as part of the Ontario eServices Program.
Electronic referrals (through Ocean eReferral) can be sent directly from most EMRs.
Benefits include:
- Free of charge, including training & support.
- Saving your clinic time and money.
- Keeps you & your patients informed of referral status.
- Decreases the need for multiple follow-up phone calls.
- Quick and easy set-up provided by a local team.
- Sign up today!
Interested in coming onboard with Ocean eReferral?
Ontario Health North eServices deployment team is here to help. Please reach out to learn more! eServicesNorth@ontariohealth.ca