Diagnostic Imaging

Have you been referred to Diagnostic Imaging and are awaiting your appointment?
Fast Facts About Your Upcoming Appointment:
- Please arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to ensure enough time for registration.
- Ensure you bring your Health Card to your appointment.
- If your visit is related to a W.S.I.B. claim, please bring your claim number to your appointment to ensure proper registration.
- If you are traveling 100km or more for your appointment, please bring your travel grant form from your ordering physician with you to your appointment so it can be completed by your care provider at the time of your appointment.
- Patient parking cost $6.00. Parking meter machines accept cash, debit and credit card payment.
When speaking with your booking clerk, it is important to notify them of the following:
- If you take prescription blood thinners as they may need to be adjusted prior to your appointment.
- If you have any allergies, especially to latex or medications.
- If you have had a previous adverse reactions to contrast solutions used in diagnostic imaging.
- If the patient requires transportation by Parabus Transit, as these appointments must be booked with 2 weeks notice to accommodate transportation for the patient.
- If the patient is in a wheelchair and if they will require a chair lift for their appointment’s needs.
Hospital Map &
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
When you need to rebook a procedure, exam or test that has been scheduled through Diagnostic Imaging please call 705-759-3610.
You will select the number that corresponds to your type of procedure and your call will be directly to the correct department.
For OBSP/Mammography – Press 1
For CT Scan – Press 2
For MRI – Press 3
All other procedures – Press 4
Call your ordering physician or primary health care provider to confirm the order was placed by their office.
Once an appointment is made, a letter is sent to your home address with appointment details and instructions. You will receive a reminder call 2 days prior to your examination date.
Please Note
*CT appointment notification takes approximately 3 -4 weeks.
*MRI appointment notification takes approximately 6-8 weeks.
Orders received are reviewed by a Radiologist first. Then orders are prioritized following Access to Care guidelines.
(Priority1, Priority 2, Priority 3 and Priority 4).
These orders are then reviewed and processed by the technologists. The booking clerk is given the processed order to schedule a suitable time. (7 working day process)
Once a booking is made (approximately 7 days for process) a letter is generated with booking information (instructions/preparations) and it is mailed out to the patient.
General x-ray appointments are not booked. If you have an order come to Diagnostic Imaging between 1-4 p.m. Monday through Friday. When the booking clerk is sent an order from a provider, they will contact you to let you know that your order was received and that you can walk in Monday – Friday between 1-4pm for your imaging.
Ultrasound/Echocardiography orders are received and prioritized by Cardiologists/Radiologists/Technologists – Once a booking is made, a letter is generated with booking information (instructions/preparations) and it is mailed out to the patient.
Nuclear Medicine orders are processed by the technologists.
Ontario Breast Screening Program appointments do not require a provider referral. Patient’s client can self-refer by calling 705-256-4907 to make their own appointment.
Mammography – Diagnostic Mammography (under age 40/ over age 74) requires a provider’s order. Orders received are booked and the appointment information is mailed out to the patient if date is over 2 weeks away or a phone call is placed to notify the patient of date and time if under 2 weeks.
Call the ordering physician or your primary healthcare provider to any questions concerning your treatment, post care and results.