We are pleased to offer Sault Ste. Marie and the Algoma District an expanded Cardiology Program at Sault Area Hospital.

Summary of Services

  • *Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (angioplasty and stents)
  • Diagnostic Coronary Angiography and Hemodynamic Studies
  • Exercise and Persantine Stress Testing with Nuclear Perfusion Imaging
  • MUGA scans
  • Echocardiography (soon to include Transesophageal Echo)
  • Holter monitoring
  • Cardiology Clinic
  • Pacemaker and Defibrillator Clinic
  • Arrhythmia / Electrophysiology Health Connect Ontario satellite clinic
  • Urgent Arrhythmia / Electrophysiology Access
  • Mobile Pacemaker Clinic (Outreach)
  • Outpatient Cardiology consults

*Please note that our current diagnostic coronary angiogram and/or intervention wait time is less than 2 weeks.

In addition, SAH has partnered with St. Michael’s Hospital in Toronto to provide prompt access to; Cardiac Surgery, TAVI, Mitral Clip, CRT-ICD, EP ablations, and Cardiac ICU care.

To access our services, please get in touch with one of the following:

PCI/Cardiac Cath

Christine Paul, RN
T: (705) 759-3434 ext. 6994
F: (705) 256-3491

Michelle Fabbro, Clinic Assistant (Bookings)
(705) 759-3434 ext. 7089
(705) 256-3491

Cardiology Clinic

Katie Deschamps, RN

Rhonda Semeniuk, RN

Tara Tallon, Clinic Assistant

T: (705) 759-3434 ext. 4298
F: (705) 759-3609
E: CardiologyPacemakerDepartment@sah.on.ca

Urgent Consultation/ Admissions

Cardiologist or Intensivist On Call

T: (705) 759-3434 (switchboard)

For general inquiries contact: Cardiology/Pacemaker Department CardiologyPacemakerDepartment@sah.on.ca