Algoma District Cancer Program is committed to helping patients and families find the information they need to support their return to health. We are happy to offer you Cancer Information Resource Links for your review. Always consult with your physician and oncologist before initiating any treatment alternative found on the internet.
The following are some patient resources:
Local Resources
- Look Good Feel Good or call 1-800-914-5665
- Brain Tumour Virtual Support Groups or call 1-800-265-5106
​On-Line Resources:
COVID-19 and Cancer: What you Need to Know
​Cancer Care Ontario – CCO’s ‘Where to Find Information’ section offers links to numerous approved sites with information on everything from breast screening services to drug information to finding home care services and beyond. This site also contains information about symptom management.
Canadian Cancer Society – Here, you can find information on specific cancers, treatment, pain management, local and regional support groups, and help dealing with stress and sexuality and everything in between. A list of publications is also available on this site.