President & Chief Executive Officer

About Ila
Originally from Brockville, Ontario, Ila has enjoyed living in Sault Ste. Marie for over 30 years.
Prior to moving to health care, Ila had a successful 20-year career in various leadership roles in the Ontario Public Service in Sault Ste. Marie and Toronto.
Ila’s Ontario Public Service experience comprised leadership roles, including Director Enterprise Recruitment, Ontario Ministry of Government Services and Director Human Resources, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources.
Ila joined SAH in 2009 as Vice President and Chief Human Resources Officer. Ila’s portfolio included leadership of Strategic Planning, Communications, Transformation, Enterprise Risk and Volunteer Resources. Throughout her time at SAH, Ila has been a valuable member of a number of initiatives, including the team responsible for the development of the new hospital and the executive lead for strategic planning and building SAH’s iCcare way.
Some accomplishments she is most proud of include SAH’s new vision – Trusted Partner. Outstanding Care. and ensuring SAH’s commitment to involving Patient and Family Advisors in key hospital decisions.
Dedicated to service, Ila has been a member of various boards, including the Superior Family Health Team and the Ontario Northland Transportation Commission. Ila currently serves on both PUC Inc. and PUC Services boards. Ila is the Co-Chair of the Canadian College of Health Leaders’ Chapter Advisor Council and Chair of its NEON Lights Chapter. Ila holds a Bachelor of Arts from McGill University in Industrial Relations.
Ila is passionate about the people of SAH. “One of the things I have enjoyed about my previous role as Vice President Transformation and Chief Human Resource Officer at the hospital is the perspective it offers me about the incredible talent and skill we have at SAH. Our people are dedicated to providing the best care to our patients.” – Ila Watson, President and Chief Executive Officer
Outside of work, Ila has a variety of interests, many of which take advantage of things Algoma has to offer. She lives on an old farm property in the Sault and also enjoys cottage time on Lake Huron. Ila is a dedicated equestrian and enjoys working to improve her horsemanship skills.
Disclosure of Expenses
SAH is committed to being open and transparent with its stakeholders and the general public. Further to this commitment is our compliance with the Broader Public Sector Accountability Act 2010. This act was implemented to strengthen and reinforce accountability, transparency and oversight of government expense claims.
As per direction received from the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, SAH has created this summary which details the expense reports of Board Members and Senior Staff.
Ila Watson, President and Chief Executive Officer