
Board meetings are generally held on the fourth Monday of the month.  There are, at times, extraordinary meetings.  The Committees meet once a month, except Resources which does not have a meeting in December but two meetings in May.  Information for the meetings will be sent out about five days prior to the meeting to enable proper preparation.

Meetings are generally in five components:  Open, Open Consent, Closed, Closed Consent, and In-Camera.  Open portions are open to the general public, press etc.  Closed are not open to the public but restricted to Directors, Senior Leadership Team, Medical Association representatives or anyone invited to attend the meeting as a resource. At the end of formal meetings, the Directors only go into an In-Camera session for an informal discussion on the events of the meeting.

Consent Agenda 

As previously mentioned, both Open and Closed portions may have a Consent component.  The Consent component is an amalgamation of reports mainly for your information and are passed as a whole. Any resolutions/motions in any of the consent documents are passed with the passing of the Consent Agenda.  If there is a document in Consent which a Director wants to discuss, question etc. then, when the Chair deals with the Consent Agenda, a Director can ask for that document to be moved from the Consent and placed in the Open or Closed segment depending on which section the Consent item originated. Any resolution/motion in that document will now be discussed independently, from Consent.

The same philosophy will be used at Committee meetings as well.