Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (CAP) Inpatient Mental Health
As part of our CAP Service, we provide short-term, acute care to children and adolescents (under the age of 18) experiencing acute symptoms of serious mental illness and cannot manage in the community.
The care environment is designed specifically for children and adolescents. Care includes; psychiatric assessment, stabilization, treatment, and transition planning utilizing a bio-psycho-social-spiritual approach.
Admission is on the recommendation of a psychiatrist or by their designate. Upon admission, we will review mutual expectations and policies related to our commitment to; health and safety, medication and medical needs, cell phone usage, visitors, and treatment planning.
The focus during hospitalization is on:
- Acute mental health care assessment
- Stabilization and treatment for medically stable, high-risk children and adolescents
- Medication and treatment review
- Collaboration with community partners
Care is provided by a multi-disciplinary team including nurses, social workers, psychiatrists, medical residents, teachers, transition workers (Algoma Family Services), and students in the health profession.
What To Expect
Your Care
The multidisciplinary and multiagency team on CAP is focused on providing you with a compassionate, inclusive, and supportive environment. You will meet many CAP team members, and they will work with you to meet your individual needs.
We recognize that our patients and families bring a unique set of strengths, goals, knowledge, and opportunities with them. Once we know how you would like to direct your recovery, we will be able to offer you the tools that will guide you towards reaching your goals.
We understand that it can be overwhelming, and that is why we are committed to working with you every step of the way.
Family & Friends
It is often beneficial to share our care plan information with those closest to us that we trust. You may find that the information they have is also a key to your care plan.
It is up to you to give consent to share these details. If there is someone in your life that you want to include but would benefit from some coaching, our staff may be able to offer you support on how to manage that conversation.
There are many opportunities to include those close to you and your care team. These can include; team meetings, case conferences, discharge plans, and Complex Case Conferences. These meetings are a way to ensure that you and your family are well linked with supports in the community to guide you in your recovery.
Your Day On CAP
While you are a patient on the CAP unit, you can expect to follow a structured day decided upon by you and your treatment team. You will have your meals on the CAP unit.
There is an expectation, similar to a school day, where you will start your day by getting yourself showered and dressed, tidying your room, and recognizing your goals and possible challenges for the day. It is important to identify these challenges each day so that staff can help you to prepare yourself to work through them.
You will have groups/activities that will include learning new skills to help you reach your identified goals and spend time with staff to work on your assessments and treatment planning.
In the activity room, you may play musical instruments, do arts and crafts, or work on an exercise program in the gym.
You may have in-person or virtual visits with your care team.
A teacher is onsite following the school year from Monday to Friday 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM.
Additional Information
We provide three healthy meals and two snacks per day. We have a youth-friendly menu. We promote healthy eating. Please use your discretion as a parent/guardian about snacks.
Please do not bring caffeinated snacks or drinks. Treat time is in the evening. We prefer treats to be provided for patients as a group – no one likes to feel left out.
In order to get the most out of this admission, there is an expectation that work is completed before opportunities are earned (such as free time, watching TV, using tablets etc.).
Each day is a new day, and so if there are improvements the staff will recognize the gains with positive reinforcement.
- Toothbrush, toothpaste
- Hairbrush, comb, hair elastics.
- Soap, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, feminine sanitary products.
- Clothing, similar to a school dress code. Bring enough for a max of 3 days. You will be required to take clothing home to launder.
- Pajamas, slippers/socks (non-slip preferred).
- Shoes (without laces or laces may be removed)
- School workbooks, journals (no wire binding or staples)
Note: CAP is not responsible for any damaged/lost/stolen items. Staff may remove or send any unsafe items at their discretion. It is also a scent-free environment due to staff and patients having allergies or sensitivities to scents.
- Gaming devices
- Recording devices
- Sharp objects (glass, mirrors, tweezers, scissors, cans, etc.
- Belts, cords, strings (shoelaces, ties/strings in hoodie/pants).
- Cigarettes, lighters/matches, alcohol, substances.
- Weapons
- Blankets or pillows (infection control).
Note: For everyone’s safety we search all children’s belongings when they arrive; after off unit visits, and as needed. We may also search a patient if we have safety concerns. A metal detector may be used.
Prior to discharge, we may schedule passes for daytime or an overnight pass in order to assess the state of readiness. It is important to work with the team on CAP to ensure everyone is aware of any areas of risk, and the level of monitoring that is expected of the person taking the patient out on the pass.
Some activities include staff taking the Child/Adolescent off of the unit. Please advise staff ahead of time if you have any concerns regarding this.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health - FAQs
Can My Child/Adolescent Make Their Own Treatment Decisions?
The hospital operates under the Health Care Consent Act. This Act states that a capable patient of any age can consent (agree) to treatment. The consent of their parent or guardian is not necessary. The Health Care team decides whether a patient is capable.
Your child is capable of making a treatment decision if they can:
- Understand the information relevant to the treatment decision
- Understand the possible consequences of taking the treatment decision
- Tell us their decision
If the team finds your child incapable of making a specific treatment decision, then someone else (usually a parent/guardian) will be assigned to make the decision. This person is called a Substitute Decision Maker – SDM).
Why Do Some Patients Have Visitors At Times Beyond The Visiting Hours?
Every patient and family need is different. We identify the needs and at times work with patients and families on the inpatient unit to help to assess, coach and monitor responses to the skills we are teaching.
As much as possible we attempt to have caregivers participate in regular therapeutic meetings with staff and the Child/Adolescent.
I Have Been Told I Am On A Form and Cannot Leave The Hospital, What Does That Mean?
There are many reasons under the Mental Health Act that warrants a person to be held in the hospital. Some forms allow for some time for a Psychiatrist to do an assessment of a patient, and other forms may require a patient to be held in hospital involuntarily in order to allow for further assessment and determination/trial of treatment options. The crisis and CAP staff are well versed in Mental Health Act and would welcome you to ask any questions that you may have.
What Are The Visiting Hours?
11:30 AM – 1:30 PM and 4:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Are There Visitor Guidelines?
Must be 18 years of age or older. We encourage all visitors to be focused on the visit and so prefer that all electronics, including cell phones, be turned off/put away.
Visiting guidelines and hours are subject to change due to direction from leadership or in line with the unique needs of a client’s care plan. If there is a high acuity on the unit we may ask that you shorten the visit and return at another time.