Hand therapy is provided by occupational therapists and physiotherapists. A variety of upper extremity conditions are treated including, but not limited to:
- Acute trauma: crush injuries, fractures, burns, lacerations and tendon, ligament and nerve injuries
- Repetitive overuse injuries: carpal tunnel, tendonitis
- Acquired conditions: arthritis, Dupuytren’s
Hand Therapy may provide:
- preventative or conservative treatment
- management of acute or chronic pain and/or edema
- desensitization following nerve injury or trauma
- scar management techniques
- active and passive range of motion to gain or maintain movement
- sensory re-education after nerve injury
- design and implementation of home exercise programs to increase motion, dexterity and strength
- custom splint fabrication
- training in the performance of daily life skills through adaptive methods and equipment
- conditioning prior to returning to work
Referrals are required from a plastic surgeon, orthopedic surgeon or family physician.
Contact: 705-759-3634.