Discharge time is 11:00 a.m. Please arrange your transportation with this time in mind so that your room can be prepared for the next patient. Patients may be asked to wait in a lounge or cafeteria if waiting for a ride.
For more information about your transportation options, please ask a staff member. A transportation brochure is available for your reference. Volunteer escorts are available to help with your belongings and to assist you in leaving the hospital.
Before your discharge, be sure to check with your doctor or nurse about your medications and follow-up treatment.
You may retrieve articles placed in safekeeping in the Cashier’s Office/Patient Billing office during regular office hours and in Admitting after hours. Before you leave, please check with the Cashier for any outstanding charges.
Community Resources
Information about community resources for patients outside the hospital, including housing, health care, financial assistance and food banks is available here: